
Calvary Church

Rooted Deep & Reaching Out


Calvary Church

Rooted Deep & Reaching Out


Our Vision

To be an Apostolic Church in the 21st Century, where God’s presence is felt and people’s lives are changed. 

Our Mission

* To live by faith
* To be enriched in His word
* To be known by love
* To be a voice of hope


Our Pastor

Pastor Steve Edwards

Our Pastor

Pastor Steve Edwards

Pastor Steve Edwards was born and raised in Memphis, TN. He attended Jackson Bible College, where he met his lovely wife Sis. Sharla Edwards. In 1993 he felt the Lord calling him to Mt. Vernon. In October of that year he officially became our pastor. He has continued to be a voice of wisdom, hope, encouragement, and vision.


Are you wondering…

Are you wondering…

what you will feel:

It is the presence of God as He responds to the praises of those who love Him and worship in spirit and Truth.

Where you can experience it:

Right here at a real “live” Spirit filled church.

When we meet together:

During the week for prayer, praise, and Small Groups and on Sundays for plenty of exciting worship, teaching and preaching.

Calvary Church Exists...

...to connect people to life in Jesus Christ! We believe biblically that life is characterized by a growing relationship with God and each other. We each have a life that we have been created to live. According to scripture, that life is first found in proper connection to God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our desire is to provide a God-honoring atmosphere for that relationship to grow and develop. We have each been designed to live out our walk with God in connection with those around us. God has brought believers into community with one another and equipped us for a specific function within that community. It is our desire to see everyone discover their part and enable them to live it out. There are always people within our sphere of influence who have not yet been connected to life in Christ. Many have become lost and confused in the darkness of this world. Our desire is to shine the light of the Apostolic message of the gospel of Jesus Christ into the confusion of this world’s darkness through personal evangelism and reaching out to those in need.
